A Challenge for Growth!
Me, tired from traveling, but excited to be back home
I know. I know! It's been 9 months since my first and only blog post and I am just now returning. Please excuse my absence! I have since finished my grant after 10 months living, learning, and teaching in beautiful Cartagena, Colombia, and today is my third day back in the United States. As I readjust to being home and reflect on my experiences, I want to challenge myself to actually write about and publish them because I couldn’t bring myself to do it before- out of busyness, procrastination, and perfectionism among other things. However, I really do want to document and share my experiences because they were amazing, and it would be a shame if I kept them to myself. I want to share in order to encourage you all to apply for grants, to travel, to expose yourselves to new cultures, to challenge yourselves, to grow! My goal is to post something, anything for each day of this month, soooo I hope you tune back in for the rest of June (and beyond) to keep me company and to hopefully get something out of what I share. I want to credit my dear friend and fellow coastal-region Fulbrighter Maggie for the idea to do such a challenge, you can check her blog out here! Let’s do this!
My mom and sister welcoming me home after my 2-day journey (with layovers) from Cartagena, to Bogotá, to New Jersey, to North Carolina
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